Friday, December 11, 2020

Back up and Review Final Say


(Image Information: N/A Baker Mayfield is and should be everyone's hero as he takes on the entire country to become the best quarterback to ever walk the planet)

The first post on the weekly announcement was a picture of nemo in at his house. That poor guy went through so much and I'm glad to see him finally resting up at home. 

The video I watched was the gif of the wheel-shaped diagram featuring the 12 zodiac signs. Now, I personally am not a believer of the zodiac signs as I believe anyone can relate to virtually anything and any situation in some way. However, I respect those who do believe in it, I think it's a pretty cool way to predict our behaviors or even the future by looking at the beautiful stars.

Now, as this is my last post for this course, I just wanted to finalize my thoughts. It has been a tough semester with my mother going through surgery, and my parents actually moving to Michigan on such short notice. Everything is fine though, as my sister and I are well old enough to handle our own once we both graduate from OU. Or I hope, at least. This course was honestly just a lot of fun as I was able to explore areas that I have not been able to. Writing seems to be something I very much enjoy as the more stories I wrote, the more I found myself writing longer and longer. Anyways, this is it. What a strange semester it has been but I'm glad I was able to finish it.


-Simu Kang

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