Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Reading Notes: Mahabhrata Part A

 Mahabharata Online: Public Domain Edition;

-Vyasa is the name of the author of the Mahabharata who arranged the Vedas. He did not trust any to write it down as no one was worthy of the task. 

-Brahma appears to tell Vysa that the god Ganesha would be his scribe. 

-"Vyasa is not only the composer of the Mahabharata; he is also a character in the epic."

-A king named Uparichara of Chedi so devoted to asceticism was feared by the gods themselves of the possibility of robbing them of their powers. 

-Indra was sent to bribe the king with offer of a crystal car capable of carrying him through the sky only for him to use not any other mortals. 

-It was quiet disturbing and just kind of weird to read that Uparichara was flying across the sky when his semen fell into the river and impregnating a female fish. 

-This made me realize I must be more extreme with creativity of the details of the stories I will be telling. 

-Anyways. the two children of the king and the fish, a boy and a girl, were caught by a fisherman.

-The king accepted the boy and left the girl to be with the fisherman's wife. 

-The girl grew up and while she was ferrying across the rishi Parashara river, the rishi persuaded the girl to yield to his embraces and stay a virgin and lose her fishy smell.

-She agreed and a child was born on the island and was named Dwaipayana for being born on an island, and called Vyasa because he wrote the Vedas. 

(Image Information: Satyavatai on Wikipedia;


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