Monday, September 21, 2020

Growth Mindset: The need for competitiveness

Apparent research shows that kids who are praised for being smart fixate on performance, shying away from taking risks and meeting potential failure while kids who are praised for their efforts try harder and persist with tasks longer. I do not believe this to be the case as performance and execution is what matters the most in the end. Anyone can say, "I've tried" but not everyone can say, "I did it." The weaker mentality our society keeps plunging into is not only ruining it, but is creating a toxic environment. It is rewarding to work hard and give your 100% effort to be the first placer or win the event. We have gotten in the "Everyone Matters" ideology and it is easy to how toxic it is. I am not saying that individuals do not matter, they all do. However, if we start treating those who excel the same way as those who are falling behind, there is absolutely no point of going above and beyond to achieve your goals. I want to encourage people to compete in friendly manners again and actually aim for the top rather than being satisfied with where you are now. 

The Stanford professor who pioneered praising kids for effort says we've totally missed the point -

(Image information: photo made in memegenerator;

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